CYBERUK 2024: Future Tech, Future Threat, Future Ready

13th May 2024

At the CyberUK’24 conference (Birmingham, UK 13-15th May 2024) SCI Semiconductor was very pleased to announce and demonstrate their ICENI technology, based on the open source CHERIoT processor, communicating with a CHERI enabled Arm Morello appliance over the internet. This proof-of-concept demonstrates CHERI enabled high-integrity end-to-end communication and control applications, and resistance to traditional attack vectors.

The need for Memory Safe technology was highlighted in multiple keynotes from the leadership of NCSC and others, with a specific call to action on the industry to rapidly adopt new technologies, and to ensure existing applications and appliances delivered robust integrity. At the event it was highlighted for the first time that more code has being recompiled and ported to CHERI than has been created using Rust, demonstrating that while the advanced programming language delivers leading security, the task of porting trillions of lines of code is simply too large to scale directly.


About CyberUK

CYBERUK is the UK government's flagship cyber security event, hosted by the National Cyber Security Centre. It convenes over 2,000 cyber security leaders and professionals each year for networking, knowledge exchange, and collaboration.

For the first time, CYBERUK is coming to the West Midlands and its thriving cyber community. 

Join international leaders and technical experts at the ICC Birmingham from 13 - 15 May to examine the theme 'Future Tech, Future Threat, Future Ready'. Learn about cutting edge developments, and explore how your peers plan to respond quickly to the threats and opportunities of rapidly developing technology.

About SCI Semiconductors

SCI Semiconductors was formed to lead the commercialisation of CHERI technologies. With a strong focus on secure and high-integrity computing, the organization has built a team of recognised industry leaders, with decades of leadership in security, processor IP and chip design, and high-integrity software. With multiple existing projects developed on the prototype Arm Morello test chip, the team focused on enablement of the smaller, simpler, and nimbler, Microsoft CHERIoT Ibex processor. The company has ported AWS FreeRTOS and functional libraries, as part of exploratory work with UKRI and Digital Catapult, alongside operating and enhancing the native CHERIoT RTOS. 

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